Welcome to Foxridge! Our neighborhood shares many amenities with surrounding communities, such as great schools, libraries, public transportation, open space, Willow Creek, bike paths, and playgrounds. In addition, we have our own organizations that make Foxridge special. We have a swim club, a community garden, a community fence and entry gardens along main streets, social events, such as the holiday carriage ride and Foxridge Fair, as well as Dumpster Days and a monthly newsletter. Did you know we also have a community orchard? Here’s some information to help you keep it all straight – and again – welcome to Foxridge!

Martha Riley - FIA President
Common Questions
1. What is the purpose of the FIA and who runs it?
The full purpose of the FIA is stated in the Articles of Incorporation. and FIA Bylaws. A summary of purpose is: To educate and inform Owners about the Covenants applicable to the various Filings, the betterment of the general welfare and the promotion of friendly relations between the residents of Foxridge, and, when called upon, to provide arbitration of disputes related to Community issues.
The FIA is composed of a Board of Directors of up to 9 volunteers. Meetings are typically held monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at Metrum Credit Union from 7pm to 9pm. During the COVID pandemic and for a time after, meetings will be held by Zoom and can be joined by clicking here. A minimum of 3 Board Members is required to be a valid Board of Directors, but the board typically has a full membership of 9 board members.
Yearly volunteer dues are only $60.00. We offer several convenient ways to pay.
2. Is the FIA a Home Owners Association?
The FIA is not an HOA (Home Owners Association). The Foxridge Improvement Association (FIA) is a nonprofit corporation (501c4) established as a civic association to help coordinate the 11 filings that make up the Foxridge community. Membership is voluntary and open to any of the 934 homeowners in the 11 filings. You don't need any paperwork from us for a refinance. Yearly volunteer dues are only $60.00.
3. What filings comprise Foxridge?
4. Does a homeowner need approval of the FIA for exterior changes to their property? How are covenant violations handled?
The FIA does not have legal authority to approve or disapprove changes to your property. However, the covenants are agreements between neighbors and all who live in Foxridge should abide by them. The FIA provides a covenant advisor to assist you in understanding your covenants and will advise residents when there are violations such as trash cans left on the street or tall weeds growing in yards. The FIA has compiled a document "FIA Covenant Considerations" that may be helpful. The point of the covenants is to help Foxridge maintain a harmonious and attractive appearance throughout the neighborhood.
5. Where can a homeowner get a copy of the covenants?
A copy of the covenants for the filing that you are in should have been provided to you at your closing. The official copy is at the Arapahoe County Records. You can click below to find your covenants. Click here to see a map showing the location of each filing.
6. Is the Foxridge General Improvement District (FGID) a part of the FIA?
The FGID is not a part of the FIA. The FGID a taxing district approved by the Foxridge homeowners in 1989 to provide funding for items such as fence repair and replacement to the perimeter and main street fencing, water and electric bills of the entrance ways, tree and shrub maintenance along these areas. The GID funds are administered by the City of Centennial via Foxridge Community representatives who are approved by the city council.
The FGID can be reached at foxridge.gid@gmail.com.
7. Does Foxridge have a swimming pool?
Yes, there is a community pool within Foxridge. The Club at Foxridge is a separate entity. It is a private corporation offering memberships to anyone in the surrounding area. It offers swim team, swim lessons, a friendly place to spend summer days, and many social events for families and adults.
8. Is there a preferred garbage/recycle disposal service for the Foxridge community?
There are several disposal services for the area, such as Republic Services, Waste Connections and Waste Management. Check with your neighbors which service they are using and how they like it.
9. Does the FIA have a newsletter?
The FIA publishes a monthly newsletter called "Foxtales" that is sent to the 934 residences. The cost of mailing the Foxtales is paid for by the FIA and the cost of publishing it is paid for by Porchlink from the ad revenue. The Foxtales is addressed to “Foxridge Resident” and arrives in mailboxes early each month.
10. Does the FIA know who each homeowner is, and how do they use that information?
The FIA obtains the legal homeowner information (owner names and address) from the on-line system maintained by Arapahoe County. This name is used to send legal items to the FIA membership, such as the FIA annual meeting notice and the FIA election ballot. (The county system can be up to 4 months out of date.)
11. What is the Teen Service List that is in the Foxtales?
The Teen Service list is provided to the community of young adults who are available to work. The information is published as it is received. The FIA does not maintain any information about the quality of work or verification of ages / phone numbers.
If you have a teen who is interested in babysitting, pet sitting, house sitting, dog walking, etc, please click HERE to submit a form with that information to be listed on the Teen Services page in Foxtales. The Teen Services list is not published online; it is only included in the mailed copy.
12. Who runs the FIA?
The FIA is composed of a Board of Directors of up to 9 volunteers. Meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at Metrum Credit Union from 7pm to 9pm. A minimum of 3 Board Members is required to be a valid Board of Directors.
13. How do I know if I've paid my member dues for the year?
View our Membership page to see the paid member list.
If your question was not answered above, please contact us at Foxridge.board@gmail.com.
14. Where can I learn more about Centennial news?
The Centennial Council of Neighborhoods (CenCon) is comprised of neighborhood association in the City of Centennial. Our current membership represents about 22,000 Centennial homes in about 45 different neighborhood associations.
15. Are Short Term Rental Allowed in Foxridge?
In September 2021, Centennial City Council approved an ordinance regulating short term rentals in the City. The specific rules are posted on their Short Term Rental Program page.
16. Is there a snow and ice removal ordinance?
The city of Centennial does not have an ordinance requiring snow to be removed from sidewalks. The City does not maintain public sidewalks due to the lack of resources available to perform this task. In the interest of public safety and the absence of a city ordinance, the city of Centennial strongly encourages citizens to remove snow from the sidewalks adjoining their property within 24 hours after a snowstorm ends. Learn more about the city of Centennial snow & ice removal FAQs.